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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do hailstones damage asphalt roof shingles?

    Hailstones can damage asphalt shingles by dislodging their protective granules. Once these granules are removed, the shingles’ asphalt layer becomes vulnerable. Prolonged sunlight exposure weakens the asphalt, leading to water leaks. Dr. Milton Smith, an engineering professor from Texas A&M, explains that shingles use granules to shield against UV rays, protecting the asphalt layer underneath. When hailstones fall from significant heights, they gain immense speed, often nearing 100mph. On impact, they release their kinetic energy, creating a crater in the shingle and dislodging granules. Over time, as more granules are lost, and the asphalt gets exposed to sunlight, the shingle may crack or develop holes, leading to failure.

  • Should I replace my roof immediately after hail damage?

    Hail damage doesn’t always compromise the roof’s structural integrity immediately. However, insurance companies have time limits, ranging from 3 months to a year, on how long you can file a hail damage claim. It’s wise to address the damage within this period to avoid claim expiration and potential complications.

  • What does hail damage look like on shingles?

    Hail damage appears as a “bruise” or dark spot where granules have been removed, exposing the asphalt layer. Fresh damage spots appear shiny because of the newly exposed asphalt. While inspecting for damage, homeowners should exercise caution. Roofs can be slippery, and some damages might not be clear right away. Granules may get loosened but remain on the shingle for months or years before finally falling off, eventually leading to leaks and more extensive damage later on.

  • How do I identify other hail-induced damages?

    Dents in aluminum siding, gutters, window capping, or broken vinyl are also considered damage and are typically covered by insurance.

  • Who should I contact first?

    Before contacting your insurance company, it’s recommended to have a damage expert inspect your roof. This ensures:

    1. Verification of damage without risking your safety.
    2. An expert’s opinion, since some insurance adjusters might not have adequate roofing knowledge.
    3. Collaborative inspection with the insurance adjuster, ensuring a thorough assessment.
  • What are the charges for the inspection service?

    Our inspection service is free. If the insurance company approves repairs, they will compensate us. If they don’t approve, you owe us nothing. The only condition under which we work on your property is with insurance company approval and compensation.

  • What benefits do I receive?

    Apart from potentially getting a new roof or siding for the price of your deductible, you may also receive compensation for other property damage, helping to offset costs. If you have no damage, at least you gain peace of mind.

  • Will my insurance rates rise if I file a claim?

    Your rates aren’t increased based on individual claims, but by class or region. Hail damage is considered an act of God, so you can’t be held responsible or dropped from your insurance. Home insurance exists to safeguard homeowners against unforeseen damage. If you’ve sustained hail damage, you’ve suffered a loss. For instance, a 25-year roof might now only last 3 years. Your insurance aims to compensate you for this loss, and we’ll facilitate the repairs using the compensation.

beige house with brown walls and a grey roofing

Hail Damage Insights

Understand hail impact on roofs & navigate insurance claims effectively.